Troubleshooting the 0x800705B4 Error When Updating Windows 7

Explore different strategies to address the 0x800705B4 error in Windows 7:

  1. Reboot your system: Often, simply rebooting your computer can resolve the issue. Attempt a restart and verify if the problem persists.
  2. Turn off antivirus software: At times, antivirus programs can obstruct Windows updates. Temporarily deactivate your antivirus and see if that fixes the error.
  3. Utilize the Windows Update troubleshooter: Windows includes a troubleshooter specifically for resolving frequent update issues. Access it via Control Panel > Troubleshooting > System and Security > Fix problems with Windows Update.
  4. Verify your internet connectivity: Ensure your internet connection is reliable and active. An unstable connection can lead to errors during updates.
  5. Reset Windows Update components: If other solutions fail, consider resetting the Windows Update components. Execute the following commands in Command Prompt as an administrator:
     net stop wuauserv
    net stop cryptSvc
    net stop bits
    net stop msiserver
    ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old
    net start wuauserv
    net start cryptSvc
    net start bits
    net start msiserver
  6. Initiate a clean boot: Interferences from third-party software might disrupt Windows updates. To identify if this is the cause, perform a clean boot using these steps:
    1. a. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
      b. Enter msconfig and press Enter.
      c. Navigate to the Services tab in the System Configuration window.
      d. Select the option to Hide all Microsoft services.
      e. Choose Disable all.
      f. Switch to the Startup tab and select Open Task Manager.
      g. Disable all listed startup programs.
      h. Close Task Manager and return to the System Configuration window.
      i. Click Apply, then OK.
      j. Reboot your system and attempt the update installation once more.